Machine Learning Programs by Peter Clark
QM: Guiding inductive learning with a Qualitative Model. LPE: Lazy Partial Evaluation. CN2: Rule induction from examples. [Free]
Meta-MEME v2.0.1
Software toolkit for building and using motif-based hidden Markov models of DNA and proteins - from the Univ. of California-San Diego.
Software for learning Mixture Distributions. Commercial license.
Multiple EM for Motif Elicitation and Motif Alignment and Search Tool (MEME/MAST)
MEME System is a program for discovering motifs in groups of related DNA or protein sequences. MAST is a tool for searching biological sequence databases for sequences that contain one or more of a group of known motifs.
The NEITHER Theory Revision System
A propositional theory refinement system that will modify a incomplete or incorrect rule base so as to make it consistent with a set of input training examples. [Free]
N-gram Statistics Package (NSP)
Suite of Perl tools for counting and analyzing word n-grams in text; provides standard tests of association for identifying word n-grams in large corpora and allows users to implement other tests with minimal Perl knowledge.
Observable Operator Modeling Kit
Machine learning library for Observable Operator Models (OOMs) suitable for time-series and sequence data classification and prediction. OOMs are similar but more powerful than HMMs. [C++, BSD license]
Pattern Recognition Application Programmer's Interface (PRAPI)
A C++ library for many pattern recognition tasks; main focus is on image analysis, but a general architecture and XML-based data interchange format allows it to be used for many other tasks as well.
A large collection of multiple sequence alignments and trained hidden Markov models covering many common protein domains.
An architecture for planning and learning. [Free]
Sequence Alignment and Modeling System (SAM)
A collection of tools for creating and using HMMs for biological sequences. Free license for academic and nonprofit usages.
A learning architecture specifically taylored for learning in very high-dimensional feature spaces. The current release uses sparse variations of Winnow, Perceptron, and Naive Bayes. Free for personal academic and research purposes.
Software Packages for Graphical Models/Bayesian Networks
Directory of software tools for modeling graphs and Bayesian networks. Some have learning capabilities.
Statistical Decision Trees
A program for inducing Bayesian decision trees. Applications to speech. [Free]
SUBDUE Knowledge Discovery in Structural Databases
The program discovers interesting and repetitive subgraphs in a labeled graph representation using the minimum description length principle. Applications to molecular biology. [Free]
Tilburg Memory Based Learner (TIMBL)
A program implementing several memory-based learning techniques. These learners store representation of the training set explicitly, and classifies new cases by extrapolation from the most similar stored cases. Free for educational or non-commercial research purposes.
A learning computer player for the light cycles game in Tron
Weka 3 - Open Source Machine Learning Software in Java
Suite that implements decision trees and tables, rule learners, Naive Bayes, support vector machines, voted perceptrons, multi-layer perceptron. Meta schemes include bagging, stacking, and boosting. [Free under GPL]
WinMine Toolkit
Tools for learning dependency networks or Bayesian networks from data. [Free]
XELOPES Data Mining Library
Platform- and data-source-independent library for embedded data mining based on the CWM/OMG and other data mining standards. XELOPES-Java algorithms: SVMs, market basket analysis, sequence analysis, decision trees, cluster analysis, multidimensional grouping. XELOPES-C++ algorithms: SVMs, decision trees. [GPL]
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