Bayesian Knowledge Discoverer
Able to learn Bayesian Belief Networks from (possibly incomplete) databases. Algorithm based on the Bound and Collapse estimation method.
Bayesian Network Toolbox (BNT)
Kevin Murphy's MATLAB toolbox - supports dynamic BNs, decision networks, many exact and approximate inference algorithms, parameter estimation, and structure learning
Bayesian Network tools in Java (BNJ)
Open-source suite of software tools for research and development using graphical models of probability, published by Kansas State University Laboratory for Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD)
Very generic and free (LGPL) Belief Network Framework in C++ - supports a broad range of knowledge and dependency types for network variables and clusters of variables
Belief Net Power Constructor
System based on Jie Cheng's three-phase belief network construction algorithm. Includes a wizard-like user interface and a belief network construction engine.
BNet Desktop Software and Developer Toolkits
BNet.Builder is a belief network software application. BNet.EngineKit provides an embeddable engine.
BUGS - Bayesian inference Using Gibbs Sampling
Bayesian analysis of complex statistical models using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods.
CleverSet, Inc.
Develops and exploits proprietary Relational Bayesian Modeling (RBM) technology and applications that provide real-time, actionable results from large amounts of dynamic, multi-faceted, ambiguous information.
Model selection on graphical models (including belief networks).
Complex Systems Computation Group (CoSCo)
BAYDA software implements Bayesian predictive discriminant analysis, where the aim is to build a model for predicting the value of one discrete (class, group, category) variable using other variables.
Open source package for the technical computing language R, developed by Aalborg University and Novo Nordisk A/S - analysis and structure learning of Bayesian networks with discrete and/or continuous variables
DecsionQ Bayesian Predictive Analysis Software
A data mining software company that has a fully automated data modeling and predictive analytics package.
A Bayesian network editor and solver. [Windows/Macintosh]
GeNIe is a development environment for building graphical decision-theoretic models running under Windows operating systems. SMILE is its portable inference engine, consisting of a library of C++ classes, currently compiled for Windows, Solaris and Linux.
Developers of the Hugin tool
Inquiring Knowledge Networks On the Web (IKNOW)
IKNOW, an interdisciplinary project from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, helps enhance individuals' ability to access and visualize an organization's knowledge and social capital
Bayesian networks in Java.
Knowledge Industries, Inc.
Builds and licenses diagnostic software based upon Bayesian Belief Networks for medical, industrial and management applications. Software includes editors/compilers, test/review tools and inference engines embeddable in stand-alone and web-based applications.
Lumina Decision Systems
Makers of Analytica, visual software tool for creating, analyzing, and communicating quantitative business models.
Microsoft Belief Network Tools
Free Windows software for creation, assessment and evaluation of belief networks.
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