Self-stabilizing Algorithms
A project to create tools for developing and testing self-stabilizing algorithms.
Softpanorama Virtual Library
Section on Algorithms and Data Structures. A compilation of links.
Sourcebank - Computer Science - Algorithms
A collection of source code for various topics.
Stony Brook Algorithm Repository
This is a collection of implementations for 75 fundamental algorithms problems, including data structures, numerical and combinatorial algorithms,graph algorithms, and computational geometry. Implementations are available in C++, Java, Fortran, and other languages.
Tree Automata Techniques and Applications
An evolving web text in PostScript and PDF, with related software.
Web Data Structures and Algorithms
Lecture notes and links for a course by Godfried Toussaint.
Abstract State Machines
A formal method for specifying and verifying algorithms. Tools, meetings, researchers in the area.
Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computation Theory, the ACM special interest group for Theoretical Computer Science. Site has membership information, meetings, reports and a newsletter for members.
The Algorithm Base
Database of algorithms. May be scanned through or can be questioned through a knowledge based assistant. Links to originating web sites.
Algorithm Design Paradigms
A course by Paul Dunne at the University of Liverpool. Slides and notes in HTML and PS.
Algorithms Archive
A collection including searching, sorting, tracking, mathematics and cellular automata. In English and Italian.
Algorithms Courses
Links to courses in algorithms maintained at various university computer science departments.
Algorithms in the Real World
Notes for a course at Carnegie Mellon University.
Analysis Of Algorithms
An initiative of attendees of the 1997 Dagstuhl seminar, these pages provide research papers, a bulletin board, and links to researchers and other resources in the field. The focus is on average case and probabilistic analysis.
CATS: Combinatorial Algorithms Test Sets
Searchable index of problems, links and methodology.
Circular Queues
A brief discussion and implementation of circular queues in C.
Combinatorial Algorithms
Lecture notes of a course at San Diego State University.
Combinatorial Algorithms
Course material, syllabus and notes for a course by Roger Whitney at SDSU.
Computer Programming Algorithms Directory
Resources that describe computer programming algorithms.
Data Structures
Introduction to data structures, with Java code, by Peter M. Williams.
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