Hemp Food Industries Association
Features up to date information on hemp, nutritional analysis of hemp seeds, 9bars and hemp facts, a related picture gallery, cooking with hemp and a farmer's experience of a season's growth.
Hemp Germplasm Trials in Canada
By Ernest Small, Eastern Cereal and Oilseed Research Centre and David Marcus, Natural Hemphasis. A BioResource Hemp Paper, presented September 2000, Wolfsburg, Germany.
The Hemp Report
Subscription-based online trade journal covering the North America hemp industry: agriculture, processing, marketing, research, business and regulatory news, and updates. Strong focus on hemp farming and developments in Canada. Published quarterly.
Hemp research and growing in Ukraine
Presentation to Bioresource Hemp symposium in 1995 by Pavlo Holoborod'ko, Institute of Bast Crops, Hlukhiv, Ukraine. In English.
Hemp Textiles International Corporation
Offers fabric for converting, dyeing, print cloth, and needle-ready.
Manufacturer of Industrial Hemp sowing, harvesting, and processing equipment based in The Netherlands. Produces horse bedding and is a supplier of raw materials.
Hempline Inc.
Growers and processors of hemp fiber for the textile, nonwovens, paper and composite products industries. Also, animal bedding and garden mulch.
Worldwide hemp directory and exchange. Find the right hemp product, add your hemp company or organization, show offers to sell, offers to buy, and services - all for Free. Paid listings include advertising and picture uploads.
Hemptech: The Industrial Hemp Information Network
Offers books, videos, and reports. Site includes a directory of hemp products.
Manufactures a hemp seed oil, which is used for nutrient supplements, flavorings, cosmetics and industry. Also, uses makes clothing and processes hemp seed for high protein food. Located in South Africa.
Industrial Hemp in the United States: Status and Market Potential
A January, 2000 report by the United States Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service. This report is being published only on the internet.
Industrial Hemp Regulations - Canada Department of Justice
Full text of Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, Industrial Hemp Regulations (SOR/98-156).
International Hemp Association
Business organization based in the Netherlands. Information about membership and the group's journal, with some online content.
Kenex Ltd.
Canadian company engaged in research, product development, and production of hemp products. Information about products for body care, cosmetics, foodstuff, building materials, automobile interiors, pulp and paper, animal bedding, and feed.
Low THC Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.
Research Report 99-10028-R11999 - Hemaruka, Alberta, Canada. Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. This trial has shown that hemp can be used as cattle feed when fed as silage.
Manitoba Industrial Hemp Association, Manitou Manitoba
Manitoba Industrial Hemp Association, Directors, Mandate and Membership.
Natural Hemphasis
A research and consulting company with a primary focus on the re-emerging hemp industry in Canada.
New Zealand Hemp Industries Association
Membership based affiliate of the Hemp Industries Association. The Five Minute Guide to Industrial Hemp In New Zealand is an excellent overview.
Ontario Hemp Alliance
Organization seeks to promote Ontario, Canada's Industrial Hemp businesses.
Parkland Industrial Hemp Growers Co-op Ltd.
Their mission is to facilitate the growing and harvesting of Industrial Hemp in the Parkland Region of Manitoba, Canada. Web site includes hemp background info, updates, FAQs, processing images, and the diagram Industrial Hemp: The Model Crop.
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