Turn 48 AOL CDs into a stylish lamp.
AOL CD Preservation Guild and Museum
Includes exhibits, guestbook, chat room, and photographs.
The AOL Collector
Website all about the collecting of the many America Online free disks.
AOL Free Trial Disk Award
Submit your suggestion. What are we going to do with all those AOL Free Trial Disks. You may win an award for your suggestion....or, maybe not.
AOL Virtual Museum
A collection of AOL (America Online) and other ISP trial software.
Lydia's AOL Disk Collection
Details of the author's collection, FAQ, links, and wish list.
My AOL Disk and CD Trading Stock
Includes the author's thoughts on collecting the disks, and details of his collection.
No More AOL CDs
Campaign to collect one million CDs and then deliver them to AOL headquarters. News articles, FAQ, pictures, and shipping details.
The Ultimate List of Uses for an AOL CD.
An amusing list of alternative uses for this useless object.
Useless AOL CDs
Photographs and descriptions of uses the author has found for CDs.
101 uses for AOL disks
It's a simple feat to format and reuse AOL disks, but with a little imagination, a truly useful purpose can be found for those white platters invading our mailboxes and magazines.
Wanderlist: Suggested Uses for AOL CDs
Allows users to post their suggestions and vote on the suggestions of others.
Yahoo Groups: AOL Disk Collectors
Discussion group and chat room.
AOL CD Collecting with Sparky
This site is for both the beginning as well as the advanced collector. (December 23, 2003)
The Register: 24-7 Freecall Wants 1m AOL CDs
Article about Sal Abdin's attempt to collect one million AOL CDs and get into the Guinness Book of World Records. (October 4, 2001) Protesting AOL's Unsolicited CDs
Article about the 'NoMoreAOLCDs' campaign with user comments. (August 29, 2001)
Wired: Mantle, Mays and AOL Discs
Louise Knapp's article about collectors of the discs. (August 1, 2001)
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