Chrome Balance in Leather Processing
Technical paper about the environmental impact of the chrome tanning process, prepared by J. Ludvik as part of a regional program for pollution control in the tanning industry in South East Asia. [PDF]
Chrome Upper Leather
Three-page article about the preparation of leather, and the chrome tanning process. From Siegel of California, Inc.
The European Tanning Industry Sustainability Review
May 2002 contribution of COTANCE to the World Summit on Sustainable Development, describing the principles of sustainable development as practiced and implemented by the European leather tanning and processing industry. [PDF]
History and Process of Leather
Short article about the history of leather and hide treatments, and current technologies for the tanning and processing of leather. From Canadian Contract Leathers, Inc. [PDF]
Leather Finisher's Manual
Extensive, two-page article about leather finishing techniques, materials, and properties testing. From Siegel of California, Inc.
Markets for Skins and Leather
Comprehensive 2003 report providing an overview of the characteristics and world wide supply capabilities for emu, ostrich, goat, crocodile and camel skins and leathers to Australian producers and processors, prepared for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation by Kylie MacNamara and others. [PDF]
Trade Development in the Leather Industry in Africa
October 2002 report under the auspices of the International Trade Center about the commercial development of the African leather tanning and processing, and the leather goods manufacturing industry. [PDF]
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