Steve's Spectrum Page
Presents the rubber keyed box in all its glory, with a downloadable list of the author's collection of ZX Spectrum games.
Celebrating 16k Spectrum games with a full list, and articles on the 1982-85 period.
The .TZX Vault
Site with the aim to provide an archive of Sinclair ZX Spectrum games in .TZX tape format for preservation purposes.
Archive of Spectrum games, maps and music.
Yahoo! Groups Sinclair Spectrum Users
Forum for those interested in the Sinclair Spectrum and its clones, and related topics such as emulation, programming in BASIC and machine language, and technical details of these computers and their add-on hardware.
Zacks' Index Page
Software for ZX Spectrum and Z88.
ZX Box
A project which aims to allow the 48K ZX Spectrum to surf the net. [English & Russian]
ZX Download page
Russian software for ZX-Spectrum in TR-DOS format. In Russian and English.
ZX Format
Manuals, emulators and reviews.
ZX Gate
An easy-to-build ZX 81/ZX Spectrum/Jupiter ACE/TRS80 using gate array logic.
100% ZX Spectrum
Offering information about the Spectrum from its early days through to its eternal life in emulations and the spectrum fans worldwide.
ZX Spectrum - Planet Sinclair
Information, photos and resources for the ZX Spectrum, including a detailed account of its development extracted from Ian Adamson and Richard Kennedy's book "Sinclair and the Sunrise Technology".
ZX Spectrum hardware DIY
Various hardware projects such as IDE hard disk interface, UVY-RGB converter for 48K models and floppy interface.
ZX Spectrum Hardware DIY Site
Includes the ZXATASP IDE interface and other hardware projects.
ZX Spectrum Rulez OK?
A tribute to the Spectrum.
ZX Spectrum SE Technical Reference
Provides technical specifications for a considerably souped-up Spectrum clone.
The ZX Spectrum Technical Information Repository
Documents referring to the technical aspects of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum, specifically the 48k and + models.
ZX Zone
Concentrates on the Spectrum +3, providing details of the machine's hardware, software and ROMs.
Hardware changes and modifications.
ZX Spectrum Review
A review taken from Your Computer, June 1982. (June, 1982)
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