Apple Lisa
From Apple Fritter, documentation about the Apple Lisa and its conception, including pictures.
Apple Lisa Computer
Homepage of an owner of the original Lisa. Contains links and tech information.
Apple Lisa PC Museum
History, statistics, and images.
Apple Lisa The First Affordable GUI
Historical article about what the LIsa had to offer its users.
Apple Lisa Tribute
Articles, tech specs, pictures and what happened to the Lisa.
Heart of the Apple Lisa
Poem commemorating this machine.
Obsolete Computer Museum's Lisa page
Description and pictures.
Raoul's Lisa/MacXL Technical and Repair Info and Software
HTML and PDF files with technical information and repair procedures. Also pictures, Lisa software, deserialization instructions, and more.
Sigma Seven Systems Ltd.
An engineering and manufacturing company that specializes in Apple Macintosh technology. Still sells some Lisa accessories.
Apple Lisa
From Apple Fritter, documentation about the Apple Lisa and its conception, including pictures.
Apple Lisa Computer
Homepage of an owner of the original Lisa. Contains links and tech information.
Apple Lisa PC Museum
History, statistics, and images.
Apple Lisa The First Affordable GUI
Historical article about what the LIsa had to offer its users.
Apple Lisa Tribute
Articles, tech specs, pictures and what happened to the Lisa.
Heart of the Apple Lisa
Poem commemorating this machine.
Obsolete Computer Museum's Lisa page
Description and pictures.
Raoul's Lisa/MacXL Technical and Repair Info and Software
HTML and PDF files with technical information and repair procedures. Also pictures, Lisa software, deserialization instructions, and more.
Sigma Seven Systems Ltd.
An engineering and manufacturing company that specializes in Apple Macintosh technology. Still sells some Lisa accessories.
Apple Lisa
From Apple Fritter, documentation about the Apple Lisa and its conception, including pictures.
Apple Lisa Computer
Homepage of an owner of the original Lisa. Contains links and tech information.
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