WebTek Labs Pvt. Ltd.
Software services company providing integrated performance management solutions, verification, validation and testing services.
Provides enterprise test automation tools to span applications, platforms and test tools while shielding users from the complexities of script languages.
Xin Lab
Streaming media testing and monitoring tools, Java application/applet testing tools, Java application/applet simulators, Java rich text rendering applet
XLsoft Corporation
International consulting firm offering services for consulting, translating, localization, and publishing.
Manufacturer and supplier of network test equipment for analysis, simulation and evaluation of IP, ISDN and ATM networks.
Abend-AID Fault Manager
Compuware fault management products help IT managers and professionals quickly resolve and manage the application failure resolution process.
Absolute Quality
Provider of fully integrated testing and technical support for entertainment and edutainment software.
Acme Consulting
Consultancy providing testing services to the major investment banks in the city of London.
Ajilon Consulting Labs
Offer performance/load/stress testing, automation, functional testing, interoperability, and handheld software testing. Based in Nashua, NH.
Allied Testing
An outsourcing company specialising in testing of on-line applications, quality assurance, and web sites.
Alterion, Inc.
Independent consulting and testing services to government and corporate information technology decision-makers. Specializing in IV&V, acquisition support, analysis and evaluation services, E-Commerce analysis, and benchmark testing.
Amelior Technology
Automated software testing consulting and training services. Consulting with Segue, Mercury, and RSW (Empirix) tools.
Amphora Quality Technologies
Provider of software quality assurance, resource management, testing and consulting services, including functionality, reliability, load and stress testing.
AppLabs Technologies
Features strategic partner of NSTL and provider of software testing and QA services.
Software testing products and services. Provides tools and outsourced services for QA testing. We specialize in manual and automated testing of software for functionality, portability, and performance.
Assured Business Systems Inc.
A consultant firm providing requirements analysis, design, development, software QA, and testing expertise and services to major corporations and large government Organizations.
austin usability
Offers usability engineering and testing for web sites, user interfaces, software, and hardware products.
Automated Solutions, Inc.
Online training and consulting of the Mercury Interactive product line - WinRunner, TestDirector and QuickTest Pro.
Automated Testing Specialists,Inc.
Provide companies in establishing or improving their automated software testing capabilities.
Automation Expertise Inc.
Specialize in providing solutions centered on Segue Software's tools. Customized training for SilkTest, consulting services, and contractors.
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