Aareus Software
Print report from online documents.
Aliu's Magic Lantern
Slide show software for digital cameras and LCD/DLP projectors.
Altima Technologies Inc.
Makers of NetZoom - a set of networking equipment graphics with a built-in symbol manager and search feature for multiple presentation programs.
Cartouche is a tool for creating and managing multimedia presentations.
Wizard based program for creating multimedia presentations, web conferencing.
CD-ROM presentations
Multi-media interactive cdrom presentations.
Creation Software
SongPro a song lyric projection software for churches and schools.
Create a personal style photo presentation using special effects.
A computer-based training CD that teaches the basic design concepts and graphic design skills needed to create presentations using PowerPoint or similar business software.
Digital Proceedings
Digitally capturing the sights, sounds and slides of meetings, seminars and symposia. Digitally video record and distribute your important meetings via the web.
Showmaker creates slide show presentations and photo albums for the Internet or disk.
Drilldown JavaBean for Data Visualization
A tool for hierarchical data presentation.
Designed specifically for churches to project songs, videos, scriptures, and PowerPoint presentations during worship.
WebCharts allows you to drag and drop one of the charts into your HTML page, change its presentation and content, connect to FILEs, URLs, or databases, and publish it on the Web as an IMAGE or APPLET.
Makers of OrgPlus Software for creating human resource organizational charts.
IBM Lotus Freelance
Product information site of Freelance, a presentation graphics package in the Lotus SmartSuite package.
Suite of software tools designed to be used by professional software trainers.
MRC Innovations Ltd
HTML Slide Show Generator is a MS Access database application for creating audio visual slide shows for any web browser.
Whiteboard photo converts blackboard or flipchart snapshots into perfectly clear documents with any digital camera.
Prologue SundayPlus
Presentation software designed specifically for Worship Services. Dual screens shows operator screen and projector output.
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