TPF Family Libraries
Access to the IBM TPF Product Information Center, on-line manuals for TPF, TPFDF, EOCF/2, TPF Operations Server and IIOP Connect for TPF, and order information for CD-ROM and printed manuals.
TPF Resource Page
A collection of links to TPF, ALCS, ACP and other mainframe information and resources. From
Transaction Servers and Tools eNews
An IBM monthly publication focused almost entirely on CICS.
VSAM Demystified
An IBM redbook covering basics, performance, recovery and management, with sample code in an appendix. Viewable on-line or downloadable as an Adobe Acrobat .pdf file.
VTAM for z/VM and VSE/ESA
IBM home page for Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM); the z/OS version is part of Communications Server. Includes links to the latest version's announcement letter, documentation and storage estimates.
WAVV: World Alliance of VSE and VM
User group spun off from GUIDE in 1995 and similar to SHARE, with annual conference aimed mainly at VSE/ESA and z/VM systems programmers.
Large IBM product family encompassing middleware and other application delivery software that provides Web-based access to an organization's application software. Including WebSphere MQ, the former MQSeries.
It was 40 Years Ago Today: Mainframe Celebrated
April 7, 2004, marks the 40th anniversary of the launch of the IBM System/360; programs and batch jobs written for the first S/360 would run on the IBM z890 mainframe announced today. (April 7, 2004)
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