GNU Project Free Software Foundation
The FSF is dedicated to eliminating restrictions on copying, redistribution, and modifying computer programs. It developed the GNU Public License under which Linux is distributed.
How to Run a Microsoft-Free Shop
A twelve step program to get off the MS bandwagon.
IBM - Peace, Love, Linux
Explains why IBM is committed to Linux and is making it their development reference platform. [Requires free Flash plugin.]
Linux Advocacy
Joe Barr claims he is not an advocate, neither for Linux nor for OS/2 nor against Microsoft.
Linux Advocacy mini-HOWTO
The original Linux advocacy document.
The Linux Best Practice Project
IT professionals sharing and documenting experiences with Linux in large commercial applications.
Linux for Broadcasters
Using the Linux operating system in the broadcast industry.
Linux for Engineers
How the stability and power of GNU/Linux can be used by engineering professionals.
Linux In Business
Seeks to answer the question, "Is Linux right for the marketplace?"
Linux in Business
List of commercial sites that make use of Linux.
Linux Penguin Sticker Movement
Advertise your Linux box and spread the word, attach a Linux Penguin stiker today.
Linux Today Counter-FUD Site
One-stop resource for evidence and arguments to rebut the myths and misconceptions about Linux.
Habits to develop for Linux advocates.
Linux for poets: dedicated to helping make make linux easy to intall and use for the common user.
Opposing view.
Making Linux look harder than it is: The Register
The how and why of giveing "non-tech" support.
Melbourne Linux
Dedicated to the Linux OS and Unix culture. Features articles on various Linux-related topics, advocacy, and links.
Michael Chaney
Description of how a Linux user saved Microsoft lots of money.
Montana Linux
Essay regarding the lack of general computer industry support for Linux, and how the problem is self-correcting.
A Presentation to Introduce Linux
A presentation on GNU/Linux for the ordinary user who may have had experience working in Windows only. Available in PowerPoint, StarOffice and OpenOffice formats.
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