A Python library for accessing PostgreSQL databases that conforms to the Python DB-API version 2.
Recursive functions in PostGreSQL PGSQL
An example of how to display a recursive tree in pgsql.
Red Hat Database
A version of Postgres that has been optimized for the Red Hat Linux distribution.
A Review by Paragon Corporation
Article that focuses on features that make PostgreSQL different from most relational database management systems.
Ruby Extension Library
Allows access to Postgres from the Ruby Object Oriented scripting language.
Search PostgreSQL Sites
A searchengine for PostgreSQL-Documentation. Sample application for Tsearch2.
Implementation of a new data type tsvector - a searchable data type with indexed access. Documentation and download.
XPg: PostgreSQL GUI on Java
XPg is an object-oriented platform-neutral editor with a full featured graphical user interface that supports connections to multiple databases [Open Source : GPL].
Sophisticated open-source Object-Relational DBMS supporting almost all SQL constructs, including subselects, transactions, and user-defined types and functions. Completely free database on Postgres
Provides feature articles, net links, forum discussions and a chat room.
Adding XML
Tools to enable XML support.
A Linux rapid application development (RAD) tool for creating dynamic data aware database applications from standard design specifications.
Bonddb object orientated database
An object oriented wrapper that provides a fast data abstraction layer, written in C for C/C++, to allow easy access to class objects.
Databases: As The Tables Turn
Tim Perdue article about porting sourceforge code from MySQL to PostreSQL.
A plug 'n play Web interface for PostgreSQL and Oracle.
Embedding R in Postgres
The REmbeddedPostgres package allows you to embed the R interpreter in Postgres and use R functions as if they were built-in SQL functions.
GUI tool for PostgeSQL
PGExplorer is a GUI development tool for the Postgres Database Server [commercial].
Guide to Version 7.x Development and Configuration
A side by side comparison to Oracle 8i that can also be read as a stand alone document.
Interactive SQL
GUI tool for creating SQL queries and managing PostgreSQL databases [commercial].
Drivers, documentation, and tutorials.
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