Roark's Slot Cars
Specialists in 1/24th and HO scale parts and accessories. Includes illustrated home track construction tips and online scale speed calculator.
RT HO Racing
Offers unique custom racing parts for Aurora T-Jet, AFX and Riggen HO slot cars.
Scale Auto
HO specialists offering Afx, Brst, Tyco, Life-Like and others. Also carries controllers, decals, and lap timers.
Scale Auto Racing
Based Houston, TX. All scales covered, 1/32nd a speciality.
Scale Models
International mail order supplier of slot cars. Stocking all leading current brands and specialists in rare and collectable Scalextric.
Scalextric Car Restorations
Dealer in restored cars from the 1970s and 1980s.
Supplies a range of 1:32 brands, offers a circuit building service as well as providing tracks for hire.
Harrow Slot Car Club and enthusiasts suppling Scalextric, Ninco, Fly, SCX, track, cars, and accessories.
Slot 32
German shop that offers Ninco, Fly, Scalextric, and Scx for sale. Also stocks some of the smaller manufacturers.
Slot Car Circuit
Specializing in Artin and AutoArt cars and accessories. Features a gallery of customers' photos.
Slot Car City
Sales of 1/24th, 1/32nd, and HO scale cars and home race sets. Specializing in custom made 1/24th NASCAR slot cars, drag cars and motors.
Slot Car Collectibles
Slot cars of all sizes for sale from the 60's to 80's, including racing supplies and track. Specializing in HO scale. Always buying.
Slot Car Magic
Offers 1/32 scale slot cars and accessories. Photos of instore track.
Slot Car Models
Offers Fly, Ninco, Scalextric and Scx cars, track and accessories.
Slot Car Raceway - Tampa Bay
1/24th scale racing on two tracks, organized racing, equipment and rentals.
Slot Car Racing
Latest 1/32 scale slot cars from all major manufacturers.
Slot Car World
Carries Fly, Ninco, Scalextric, Pinkkar, and ProSlot. Slot cars from HO to 1/24 scale.
Slot Cars Direct
Specialists in HO cars, spares and accessories.
Slot Cars Duty Free Shop
Scalextric at duty free prices for people living outside of Turkey. Shipping worldwide.
Slot City
Offer a range of Scalextric cars and accessories. Catalogue, news, reviews and contact details.
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