Evan's Earthly Adventure
The story of a family's struggle to understand the loss of their son and start to put the pieces together.
Father's Touch
Sexual abuse survivor Donald D'Haene chronicles his experience of being sexually abused for over a decade within a Jehovah's Witness family, and the subsequent trial of his abuser.
How We Cured My Prostate Cancer
Describes an alternative approach, without surgery, radiation or chemotherapy - or side effects.
Laughing Through The Tears
The recovery of a daughter after a traumatic brain injury.
The Missing Piece
Bud Boughton writes about facing challenges, and how to find security in an insecure world.
My Steve Sax Connection
Alan Waldman describes how he recovered from psychological child abuse by identification with a sports star.
Sage Place
Recovery and holistic healing involving personal and spiritual growth, featuring "BirthQuake: A Journey to Wholeness".
Spiritual Recovery Manual
Achieving the spiritual awakening sought by addicts, codependents and adult children.
Triumph Over Cancer
Personal account of a battle with (undefined) cancer detailing the plan to fight the disease, treatment and remission.
The Understanding
Personal account from a survivor of terminal cancer in 1995; discusses herbal products.
A Woman Alone
A spiritual, widow's relationship memoir in poetry and letters.
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