Capital Books
Publisher of titles on career and personal development as well as general subjects.
Cardiff Academic Press
Publishers of academic books, specialising in religious studies, biography, and literature.
CavanKerry Press
New and reprints of poetry and prose.
Centerpoint Press
Books on a variety of topics.
Chapters Indigo
Books, music, videos, and software.
Chase Publishing
Cookbooks and short stories collections.
Chrysalis Books
Books, links. Order online.
Clear Light Books
Books to enhance the human spirit.
Collins Booksellers
Australian owned bookstore offers a "try before you buy" option on selected books.
A Common Reader
Offers an online and print catalog of books designed especially for the young of all ages.
Congalton, Alexander
A California couple that publishes books on grieving for animals and other animal-welfare and pet-owner issues.
Controversial Bookstore
Subjects include bodywork, healing, metaphysics, music and psychology.
Cornwall Discount Books
Sells new books at discounts.
Creekside Press
Books, articles, news, and products related to the writing, theology, and environmental pursuits of Dick Austin.
The Crossing Press
Non-fiction books, including spirituality, new age, alternative health and healing, cooking, and pets.
Cumbria Books
Offers new and out of print books from the UK
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