The Adventures of Red W. Ant
Offers an illustrated tale of insect perseverance, online puzzles and coloring games.
The Adventures of Socks
Illustrated storybook about a kitten, with online preview.
Ana Lee the Manatee
A rhyming book aiming to teach children and adults about this endangered species, and the importance of family.
Brownie the Lonely Dragon
Illustrated book about the importance of accepting differences and belief in self.
The Calico Buffalo
Features a fable about a young animal who looks different to the rest of the herd, also including sample illustrations, and reader reviews.
Chelsea's New Home
Offers an illustrated tale about a city goldfish who yearns to see the world, includes teaching materials.
The Day Shoufy The Cat Started to Purr
Offers an illustrated book with science, fact, and fiction about felines and the island of Bahrain. Site also includes a wealth of online games and activities.
Offers a picture book about a lost puppy, with online printable games and activities. Ages 2-8.
Happy Birthday, the Cat : True Meow Stories
"Happy Birthday, the Cat" is a unique photo-story about a cat, by a cat whose name is "Birthday"
Harry Hippo's Flight
Offers press and reviews regarding this illustrated storybook for sale.
Humphrey the Hugganite
Magical bedtime storybook for children ages 4-8, stressing the importance of hugs.
Lilith A. Wilith
Offers a story about a puppy who discovers she is of a 'different stripe', as well as cards and posters.
May Maisey Moo's Cowllection of Moo Tales
Offers normal and collector's editions of this bovine story, with illustrated introductions to the characters.
Midas and the Little Red Airplane
Offers book about the adventures of a flying dog, includes screen saver, online kids' club with interactive games and contests.
A Nest of Bluebirds
Offers an illustrated storybook about a family of birds, with links to further information online.
Sid The Mad Little Bad Dragon
Rhyming picture book about a dragon dealing with issues of bullying behavior. Includes online excerpts and resources for teachers.
The Toads of Davis
Selling an illustrated title about how one community pulled together to protect some of the smallest and most defenseless of its citizens.
True Story of Nickel the Baby Buffalo Who Thought He Was a Dog
Offers online quiz, pictures of the protagonist, some downloadable activities, and signed copies of the illustrated tale.
The Very First Adventure of Fulton T. Firefly
Illustrated storybook about a heroic bug by a husband and wife team.
Vicki the Vet Children's Storybooks
Illustrated rhyming stories about common pets.
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