Celtic Cat Publishing
Publisher of poetry and anthologies.
Publishes poetry anthologies and journals.
Cyclops Press
Spoken word, poetry, music and film. Reviews of work, and opportunity to buy published material.
Frith Press
Sells each year's winning chapbook, their biannual print journal and a guide for poets.
Frog Hollow Press
Focusing primarily on chapbooks, broadsheets and other small book formats in letterpress, hand-set and hand-sewn editions.
Golden Bell Publishing House
Media that uplifts the mind, body, and soul.
Little Poem Press
Small press offering both print and electronic chapbooks.
Perugia Press
One collection of poetry each year, by a woman at the beginning of her career.
Pieman Press
Small publisher, specialising in free adaptations drawn from world mythology.
Poet Text
Poetry sales, plus a writers workshop, submit rate and review poems.
Press Press publishers
An Australian poetry publisher; sample poems online. Poets include: Chris Mansell, Ken Bolton and John Jenkins.
Pudding House Publications
Offers a variety of poetry publications including, but not limited to: Unitarian Universalist, parenting and ekphrastic poetry.
Red Dragon Press
Publisher of books that deal with psychological and parapsychological topics, with an emphasis on poetry.
Stonebridge Books
Poetry and short stories from Ireland and Wales.
Talk Poetry
Book store, with out-of-print book finder service; also poetry CDs. Site includes news and brief lives of the poets.
Time Being Books
Poetry that other publishers don't promote. Please Note; not accepting unsolicited manuscripts.
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