Tokatli, Deniz
Resume. Photos from CA and Turkiye; Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir. Music.
Topala, Gabriel
Resume. Family pictures. SIW, a Read-Only/Display-Only System Information program. Display password hidden behind asterisks tool. CPU and Memory Usage tool.
Torvalds, Linus
The creator of Linux.
Tsantes, Antonios
Java and JavaScript snippets and tutorials.
Tun, Kyaw
Parallel computing toolbox for Matlab. Tutorial for mixed language programming between Fortran and BCB 6.
Tybrandt, Klas
Programming in Pascal, assembler and C++. Also Ti83 section.
Taheri, Hossein
About and favorite sites. Photo gallery.
Takell, James - BioHazardous Materials
Programming resources, utilities and easy to understand tutorials from beginner to advanced. Thoughts, quotes, links.
Tanna, Kiren
Pascal, C/C++, Java, HTML sections (sample code, compiler links, tutorials). Generic programming section.
Tanner, Russ
Includes list of search engines, his own software, and cancer information.
Tardieu, Samuel
Brief personal information, recent developments (Ada, Erlang, Forth, Palm), links.
Taylor, Robert
Project overviews, weblog and comments. Photos.
Temple, Steve
A personal blog on issues relating to software and software development. Particularly the .NET languages.
Terms Tech
A programmer shares his knowledge of C\C++, music and puzzles.
Thankappan, Saju
PowerBuilder tips and sample questions, links. HTML tool links collection with comments.
Thejesh AP
About. Articles. Jazmyn OS completely written in C++ and a bit of 8086 assembly. Some tricky, funny programs. Jokes.
Thelin, Johan E. - Illusions of the Future
Contains sections on 3D programming, the creation of a GUI and compiler design and implementation.
Thomas, Ron - Ron's Cornucopia
Win32 programming using assembly. DOS 16 bit and Windows demonstration programs. Synopsis to "Graphics Programming using Assembly" book.
Thomas, Ryan
Contains copies of some of author's computer science notes from degree at Bristol University. Some examples of the programming excercises. Also about, photo galleries.
Thomason, Michael
Example source codes, funny pictures, jokes, quotes, links, and poetry.
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