Nguyen, Hoang Scott
Personal details. Family genealogy and photos. Confucianism section. Projects (current development and recent).
Nickull, Duane - XML Service Oriented Architectures
Free downloads, white papers and other technology articles pertaining to software architecture and other technology topics. ebXML, XML, Web Service and EDI Tutorials.
Niewieczerzal, Daniel - Programming by Physicist
Student of computational physics. Includes information on programming, cars and media equipment.
Nilson, Kevin
Information about Java Programming and Rock and Ice Climbing.
Nolan, Brian
Provides informational links and code for C/C++, VB, Java, Perl, and other programming languages.
Noll, Kevin - NollTech Homepage
Technical web-site dedicated to todays technology with free downloads, updated tech news content and a new applet added each month.
Norrby, Robert
Knowledge and work-experience. Interests.
Novotnyý, Rasťo - Duracellko
About. Master thesis about modeling XML Schemas in UML.
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