Hodorog, Bogdan
Personal information, work experiences, fun stuff, links and some photos.
Hokanson, Eric B. - All Things Geek
Personal site of custom geek projects and the geek culture in general.
Holst, Laurens
Blog, articles and information about programming for the MSX computer system, web standards and anime.
Hossain, Maruf
Personal, career, educational profiles. Activities. Photo gallery.
Howlett, Kenneth - kmhcomp
Computer and programming projects. Writings about government.
Huber, Stefan
Free scripts, articles, and other computing resources by Stefan Huber, a computer science student from Vienna.
Hunter, Sandra Patricia
CV, resume. A Java applet, a simple Perl cgi script, some animated GIFs, Povray project (with Scott Van Achte), some papier mache work (boxes, furniture and bowls).
Hyldgaard, Andreas - Solidware Denmark
Delphi and Java source code. About.
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