Design Patterns
Complete and working Java programs with output example shown.
Design Patterns and Pattern Languages
Pattern information and tutorials by Douglas C. Schmidt.
Design Patterns in Dynamic Programming
Tutorial for using classic design patterns, by Peter Norvig.
The Design Patterns Toolkit
A toolkit to design applications using design patterns, with facility to generate code, and reverse engineering. Drag and Drop facility to create UML Class diagrams Support to write custom plug-ins for code generators and reverse engineering. [Open source, GPL]
Design Reuse In SE/HCI
Reuse techniques in HCI - Pattern languages For Usability (MVC, Safety, Internationalisation). Also, software development and learning about patterns.
Diemen Repository of Interaction Design Patterns
Open source (Wiki) collection and collaboration site focused on creating and extending patterns for screen design, with a focus on Interaction Design and Usability.
Evolving Frameworks
A pattern language for developing object-oriented frameworks.
Article by Todd Coram and Jim Lee. A pattern language that can be used to generate user centered software designs.
Formal And Precise Software Patterns Representation Languages
An annotated bibliography of articles describing research in the formalization of design patterns, including formal languages, tools supporting the implementation and synthesis of patterns, and position papers.
An HTML 2.0 Pattern Language
A work-in-progress to describe patterns of HTML development.
Huston Design Patterns
GoF patterns with C++ and Java demos and some other patterns.
Hypermedia Design Patterns Repository
Provides reusable design experience gathered by other designers of hypermedia and Web applications. Includes discussions and papers.
Implementing the Singleton Pattern in Java
An article by Rod Waldhoff with sample source code.
Interaction Design Patterns Page, The
Resources related to pattern languages for interaction design, including user interface design.
An Introduction To Process Patterns White Paper
Introduces the concept of process patterns, reusable building blocks from which an organization may tailor an object-oriented software process. Process patterns bring reuse and consistency to the entire OO software process (OOSP). By Scott W. Ambler, AmbySoft Inc.
Java Design Patterns
List the most applicable Java design patterns with sample code and explanation. A completely free learning site.
Jim Coplien
One of the most influential people in the patterns field. He has links to important papers and publications.
JUnit Test Patterns in Rational XDE
Describes using how to create patterns for the JUnit eXtreme Programming automated testing framework, by Frank Hagenson.
Learning Guide To Design Patterns
A learning guide for those who want to learn and use design patterns, rather than just read about them.
Lord Of The Flies
Describes a "going native" organizational pattern for improving software development productivity.
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