Hello, World program
Self implementation that runs atop a Java Virtual Machine, and makes Java classes available to Self World as Self objects. Brief description, downloads, interesting links. [ConsultAr.com]
Merlintec Computadores Ltda: Merlin Computers
Brazilian firm founded to advance Self language, Self-R OS, and computers using Self. News, company information, products, technology. Sponsors of SelFest 2000, São Carlos, Brazil. English, Português.
Implementation of Self language: project CVS page.
Parser: Tiny Self
Simple implementation of an interpreter for Self language, a parser for Self written in C.
Self on Linux
Port of Self language from SunOS to i386+ PCs: Linux, and Smalltalk/V for Windows 2.0; descriptions, downloads, links. [Open Source, GPL]
Was Merlin OS. Persistent OS based on Self programming language. Available by CD or download, from Brazil. [Open Source]
Language-OS based on CLOS, Self, Smalltalk; Smalltalk syntax; libraries inspired by Common Lisp, Dylan, Strongtalk (strong typing). Descriptions, programming manual, tutorials, summaries, bulletin board Swiki, CVS. [Open Source, LGPL]
Sun: Fiscal 1994 Project Portfolio Report: Self
Unique description, links: dSelf, Merlin, Self4Linux, Self Wiki, Sun, Jecel Mattos de Assumpcao, Jr. [Open Content]
Yahoo Groups: Self-interest
Mail list and archive for discussing Self programming language.
The Slate Programming Language
Brief article related to developers, announcements, and programming; many forum comments. [Slashdot] (March 27, 2004)
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