Draw Dialect
The Draw Dialect adds low level graphics to REBOL/View.
Flash Dialect
Simple to use REBOL/dialect to generate Flash files. Examples.
SVG Dialect
The developing SVG dialect at CompKarori.
Programming Languages can have Dialects
An introduction to the ML dialect at Frozen North Linux Online. (September 6, 2002)
Draw Dialect
The Draw Dialect adds low level graphics to REBOL/View.
Flash Dialect
Simple to use REBOL/dialect to generate Flash files. Examples.
SVG Dialect
The developing SVG dialect at CompKarori.
Programming Languages can have Dialects
An introduction to the ML dialect at Frozen North Linux Online. (September 6, 2002)
Draw Dialect
The Draw Dialect adds low level graphics to REBOL/View.
Flash Dialect
Simple to use REBOL/dialect to generate Flash files. Examples.
SVG Dialect
The developing SVG dialect at CompKarori.
Programming Languages can have Dialects
An introduction to the ML dialect at Frozen North Linux Online. (September 6, 2002)
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