Eclipse Profiler Plugin
A plugin for the Eclipse platform which allows Java code profiling. [Open source, Common Public License]
EJB Benchmark
A benchmark application comparing the relative performance of five EJB design idioms.
EMMA code coverage
A code coverage tool for Java. Reports on class, method, basic block, and line coverage (.txt, HTML, and XML). [Open source, Common Public License]
An implementation of the Computer-Aided Software Testing (CAST) paradigm. It provides a powerful GUI to accomplish Java unit and regression test without programming effort. [Commercial]
Glass Jar Toolkit
Coverage tool that provides branch coverage without source code. Very low overhead, HTML and XML output. [Commercial, free for open source development]
A tool for the comprehensive testing of Java applications. GrandTestAuto uses reflection to run tests and check that they properly cover all public classes. [Open Source, Wide Open License]
The Grinder
A Java load-testing framework. It has mature support for testing HTTP services, and can also be used to test arbitrary Java code. [Open source, BSD-style license]
JUnit extension that adds code coverage testing to the framework. [BSDL]
An object oriented framework that facilitates functional testing of software written in Java. It is based on the concept of test cases and uses XML as input/output format. [Open source, GPL]
Is similar in concept to HttpUnit but is very different in implementation and use. The user thinks in pages rather than in requests and responses. [Apache Style license]
Automates website testing, including form submission, JavaScript, basic http authentication, cookies and automatic page redirection, and allows Java test code to examine returned pages either as text, an XML DOM, or containers of forms, tables, and links. [Open Source, MIT]
A framework for test automation of complex test scenarios intended for use in the integration testing process. [Open source]
Capture-and-Replay-Tool for Java applications and applets which can be used for GUI testing, with command line and GUI frontends. [Open Source, BSD]
Java server benchmarks
Describes benchmarks for Network computing with Java.
Java Test Coverage Tool
A tool for collection test coverage on large Java Systems. Works with Java, Realtime Java, and embedded JVMs. [Commercial]
A simple Java benchmarking framework. It provides an easy way to compare algorithms, and virtual machines, for speed. [Open source]
A library for testing Java code using mock objects. [Open source]
Integrates PDFBox as an PDF API with the JUnit framwork for the test of generated PDF documents. Simple ready-to-use assertions help to compare the expected data to the concrete data of the PDF document. [Open source, Apache License]
A tool that does Whitebox testing of your Classes, ie looks at your Code and finds possible problems. [Commercial]
Helps in separating test data from test code. It can load test cases from XML files. It's recommended to use in JUnit test framework or JProbe. [Open source, Common Public License]
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