Fortran Output to HTML (f2html)
Accepts a typical Fortran output file and produces a corresponding HTML file that can be rendered by a browser (either Netscape or Internet Explorer) to interpret the carriage control characters visually.
Implements some POSIX functions in Fortran 90/95.
Fortran-R interface (For2R)
Zip file containing a Fortran 95 module that allows Fortran programs to write data files readable by R. Detailed documentation is included. This is beta-test code offered for research uses.
Set of Fortran 90/95 unit testing tools. It includes perl scripts to aid in controlling testing and makefile creation and a Fortran 90/95 assertion library. It is intended to be easily and transparently applied to new or legacy applications.
Fortran preprocessor by Jörg Behrens with embedded Perl to simplify Fortran source code development with an integrated set of macros, directives and embedded Perl/Fortran.
Free Fortran Library to Read and Write gzipped Files
By John Donners.
Fortran 77 filter by Wolfgang Wander which solves some compatibility problems of the f2c Fortran to C translator and other F77-extended-standard compilers.
Enhancement to Emacs Fortran mode, including ftnchek support, by Judah Milgram.
Sed and perl scripts by Layne T. Watson to correct obsolete and unsupported Fortran constructs for use with standard Fortran 90.
Perl script that converts Fortran source code into HTML. All the subprogram calls are linked, both forward and backwards. A clickable calling tree is constructed. A subject index can be made from a user-supplied hash. A search engine, based on regular expressions, searches the code.
Special-case pretty-printer for Fortran, by Brooks Moses. Converts free-form-source Fortran files to .tex files, which can then be processed into viewable and printable files with LaTeX.
Geneva Group Graphics (GGG)
Graphics library by Ernst Hairer to create PostScript files from a Fortran program, and automatically insert them into a LaTeX text.
GNU libmatheval
Library for evaluating mathematical expressions, with C and Fortran 77 interfaces.
GNU Make Variables and Pattern Rules
Perl script and paper by Daniel Grimwood.
GNUFOR: a Gnuplot / Fortran interface
GNUFOR is a simple Fortran 90 interface by John Burkhardt to the Gnuplot plotting software. GNUFOR makes it possible, while running a Fortran program, to generate some data and request an immediate plot. This is done by issuing a system command that starts up Gnuplot, and feeding it the appropriate commands and data. The Fortran program pauses while the graph is displayed, and the user can admire the plots for a while, before hitting return and giving control back to the FORTRAN program.
Public domain High Performance Fortran/Java front-end.
Intel VTune Performance Analyzer
Time- and Event-Based, System-Wide Sampling estimates the actual performance of software with negligible overhead. Call graph profiling displays program flow to quickly identify critical functions and call sequences. Counter monitor allows the tracking of system activity during runtime, to identify performance issues. Supports most commonly used programming languages and environments including Microsoft C# and .NET, Compaq Visual Fortran and Java*, thereby allowing developers to use the product in their specific environment. Linux support is provided through a remote agent.
KFWin - Fortan Windows Programming
Compatible with Microsoft Fortran Powerstation 4, developed by KORF software.
LGO -- Continuous Global Optimization
By Janos D. Pinter.
MadMax Optics - FMMPART3D
Fortran subroutine that uses the Fast Multipole Method to rapidly evaluate a Coulombic particle sum. available as a Fortran-callable library. Libraries provided for a variety of compilers under both Windows and Linux.
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