Finds the total energy, charge density, and electronic structure of systems made of electrons and nuclei, using pseudopotentials and a plane-wave basis.
Adaptive Coordinate Real-space Electronic Structure code (ACRES)
Density-functional theory (DFT) code designed to perform total energy calculations for atoms, molecules, bulk solids and surfaces on parallel computers such as CM-5, IBM SP2 and ORIGIN 2000. These calculations are performed in real space on a grid that is adapted to spatially inhomogeneous cutoff (or resolution) requirements of a given system.
Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS)
Comprehensive regional to stormscale atmospheric modeling/ prediction system, written in Fortran 90.
Package for creating and integrating chemistry schemes in atmospheric models without the need to write any Fortran code to solve the chemical rate equations. Developed by Dr. Glenn Carver and Dr. Paul Brown (assisted by Dr. Oliver Wild) of the Centre for Atmospheric Science, Cambridge University, UK.
ASC Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes
Simulator code for solving nuclear astrophysical problems related to exploding stars. This website contains information about the astrophysics, the code, and related basic physics and computer science efforts.
Assignment of NMR Spectra by Interactive Graphics
Fortran 77 program by Per Kraulis for Silicon Graphics machines, free for academics.
Astronomy codes.
Astronomical Image Processing System (AIPS)
Software package for calibration, data analysis, image display, plotting, and a variety of ancillary tasks on astronomical data.
Astronomy Codes from Cococubed
By J.D. Maldonado and F.X. Timmes.
Astrophysics codes
BRUCE and KYLIE are Fortran 77 codes by Rich Townsend which calculate synthetic spectra for stars undergoing non-radial pulsation (NRP). TLUSTY and SYNSPEC are Fortran 77 codes by Ivan Hubeny and Thierry Lanz for calculating synthetic plane-parallel stellar atmospheres and associated spectra, respectively.
Atmosphere Model Code
Written in Fortran 90.
Atmospherics physics code
Code for a Radiative Transfer Model (RTM), RTM Coefficient Assembly, Infrared Sea Surface Emissivity (IRSSE), EmisCoeff utility, Emissivity utility, Planck functions, Profile utility, SensorInfo utility, SpcCoeff utility, and SRF utility.
Atomic Physics
Codes from a course by Walter Johnson. Mod_pot.f determines the parameters in a model potential for an atom with one valence electron. Nrhf.f calculates nonrelativistic Hartree-Fock wave functions for closed-shell atoms.
Bergen Ocean Model (BOM)
Fortran 90 code incorporating modern numerical techniques into ocean modeling. Code and documentation can be obtained from the site.
BOB "Built On Beowulf" Dynamical Core
Efficient spectral dynamical core, written in Fortran 77 and primarily designed to run efficiently on small clusters composed of distributed memory computers using MPI. Can be run in two dynamical core versions: either as a dry, adiabatic primitive equations model in pressure coordinates, or as a shallow water equations model.
Scalar implementation of the Car-Parrinello algorithm originally prepared as a tutorial tool for the 1997 "Spring College in computational Physics" at ICTP (Trieste Italy). The code is self-contained, and most of the sources are written in Fortran 77, with only few C functions.
Car-Parrinello Molecular Dynamics (CPMD)
Plane wave/pseudopotential implementation of Density Functional Theory, particularly designed for ab-initio molecular dynamics. Its first version was developed by Jurg Hutter at IBM Zurich Research Laboratory starting from the original Car-Parrinello codes. Free for non-profit organizations.
Fortran 90 code using density functional theory to provide a good atomic-level description of all manner of materials and molecules. Castep can give information about total energies, forces and stresses on an atomic system, as well as calculating optimum geometries, band structures, optical spectra and much more. It can also perform molecular dynamics simulations.
CÆSAR Code Package
Computational physics development environment written in Fortran 90. It provides an environment where the physics of real systems can be modeled, by discretizing a set of partial differential equations on a mesh and solving the resultant algebraic system.
Fortran 90 code by Dale Ostlie containing up-to-date physical and astronomical constants and identifying the correct kind parameters for the current machine.
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