Forth Resources
Mail list archives for colorForth, MachineForth, MISC (Minimal Instruction Set Computing), NOSC (No Operand Stack Computers). Kept by Michael Alyn Miller.
Forth-83 standard
Older Forth standard (superseded by the 1994 one).
Forth WWW and FTP Links
Commercial Sites and other, Forth Systems, FTP sites, People
FTP Uni-Bremen: Forth
FTP Interface to University of Bremen's Center for the Study of Information Technology.
Hello, World program
Example of simple Forth program.
Journal of FORTH Application and Research
Refereed technical journal published by The Institute for Applied Forth Research, Inc. Each issue has refereed papers, technical notes, letters, book reviews, announcements, an index of current Forth related publications.
Mind.Forth Artificial Intelligence
Robot AI (in Win32Forth) based on an original theory of mind.
Morse trainer for PalmOS written in Forth
Including source program in Quartus Forth (a Forth implementation for PalmOS). Write a phrase and then listen to it in morse. The program includes words for setting speed (in WPM, CODEX and PARIS) and tone pitch.
Object-Oriented Forth Survey
ACM SIGPLAN article by 2 academics surveys, summarizes, and compares 17 OOFs.
On Standardizing Object-Oriented Forth Extensions
Treats points relevant to the Neon/Yerk model, which is implemented in Mops, Win32Forth, and ANS Forth; and which now seems to be the most popular model.
Palm Pilot applications
Developped in Forth. Some sources are freely available.
Webring: Forth Programming Webring
Easy signup submission page, with some content. This website powered by webserver software zHTTP written in zForth (what else?) by site author.
Forth Research Page
Annotated links on research, conferences, workshops, bibliography (500+ entries), ANS Forth, and commercial vendors. Large extensive resource.
Chuck Moore Forth related links and streaming videos. Forth CPU chips. F21 simulator with editor/machine Forth compiler-assembler/debugger (freeware).
Chuck Moore
Creator and inventor of Forth. New incarnation of Forth with simplified color-based syntax, improved performance. Forth articles, multiprocessors, VLSI design tool.
comp.lang.forth repository
Ideas and tips from the comp.lang.forth usenet newsgroup.
DNW's Forth Page
A useful collection of Forth libraries, Forth to C translators, hints.
EuroForth: European Forth Conference
Friendly international conference where time is made for meeting people, informal discussion, contacts. Delegates from many continents, all parts of Europe including Eastern Europe, former Soviet Union. Introduction, schedule, mail list, prior events.
EuroForth: Yahoo Groups
Mail list archive for conference-related announcements, and for delegates to discuss conference organization, especially the topic of conference workshop.
Forth: A Programming Language for Real Programmers
A dozen links, and a short explanation of Forth benefits which concludes with an enjoyable rant about the state of programming.
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