Forth, Inc.
Premier vendor of Forth tools and programming services since 1973. Home of SwiftForth Windows development system, SwiftX cross-compilers for embedded systems, Forth books, expert programming services, and Forth programming courses.
Forth Systems Programming
Paul E. Bennett, Forth based HIDECS Consultancy.
HARDCODE Development
One man German consulting firm, several languages including Forth.
Inventio Software
Specialist instrumentation design, programming in Forth, C, C++.
LenZ Computer Consulting
Len Zettel: general computer links, Forth links, some personal views, family information.
MicroProcessor Engineering Ltd.
More real, less time. Focus: realtime and embedded systems. Makes tools for full development cycle (hardware, software, firmware), for a wide range of embedded targets.
Mountain View Press: The Forth Source
Dedicated to providing educational software and hardware models of the programming language Forth with documentation for students and teachers: catalog, FAQs, history, selected papers, Hindsight essays, Forth Guide.
Offete Enterprises, Inc.
Run by Dr. C.H. Ting, active supporter and former board member of Forth Interest Group. Many products, versions of Forth for many systems, documentation on some popular public domain Forth systems. Markets MuP21 microprocessor.
Quartus Handheld Software
Makes Quartus Forth, and compilers, applications and other productivity enhancement software for Palm, PalmPilot, daVinci, Visor, and other handheld computers. Also good list of programming books.
T-Recursive Technology
Embedded systems consultant for small (8/16-bit) and distributed microprocessor systems. Contract hardware and software development for most microcontrollers. Specialties: Forth, Assembly, C.
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