This language is designed for modeling concurrency and advanced computation. It provides lazy evaluation between concurrently worked threads, with object-oriented and functional style of semantic. This language can be also used for parallel computation.
A Distributed Implementation of the C-Linda Programming Language
Language combining C and Linda, gives six functions for concurrent process coordination, can be added to any other sequential language, unlike many other parallel languages, programmers needn't learn a new language. Thesis with essay, bibliography, code samples.
It is one of a family of synchronous languages which are particularly well-suited to programming reactive systems, including real-time systems and control automata
FT Languages Page
Fault-tolerant projects, goal: enhance language support for distributed programs with FT needs, most high-level languages lack good support for such, more so at system level; 3 projects described, FT-SR, FT-Linda, FTAG.
Joule: The Great Synthesis
Has Joule Quick Reference 1.0, as HTML page; and The Joule Manual, divided into chapters, as Postscript files. Joule is most direct and important ancestor of E language. []
Simple library implementation of Linda parallel programming system. To write parallel programs with linda, you need know only 6 functions: spawn, out, in, inp, rd, rdp. SourceForge project page: downloads, forum. CVS. [Open Source, GPL]
LoI (Language of Interaction)
Designed to support interaction-oriented programming. This paradigm is especially suitable for the design of reactive component-based systems like distributed and interactive systems.
MC# (MCSharp)
A high-level object oriented programming language based on .NET Platform created specially for developing complex industrial program systems that could use multiprocessor architectures.
NesC: Language for Deeply Networked Systems
C extension based on structuring concepts and execution model of TinyOS, an event-driven OS for sensor network nodes with very limited resources: 8K bytes program memory, 512 bytes RAM.
Petri Nets World
Petri Nets is a formal and graphical appealing language which is appropriate for modelling systems with concurrency.
This language is designed for modeling concurrency and advanced computation. It provides lazy evaluation between concurrently worked threads, with object-oriented and functional style of semantic. This language can be also used for parallel computation.
A Distributed Implementation of the C-Linda Programming Language
Language combining C and Linda, gives six functions for concurrent process coordination, can be added to any other sequential language, unlike many other parallel languages, programmers needn't learn a new language. Thesis with essay, bibliography, code samples.
It is one of a family of synchronous languages which are particularly well-suited to programming reactive systems, including real-time systems and control automata
FT Languages Page
Fault-tolerant projects, goal: enhance language support for distributed programs with FT needs, most high-level languages lack good support for such, more so at system level; 3 projects described, FT-SR, FT-Linda, FTAG.
Joule: The Great Synthesis
Has Joule Quick Reference 1.0, as HTML page; and The Joule Manual, divided into chapters, as Postscript files. Joule is most direct and important ancestor of E language. []
Simple library implementation of Linda parallel programming system. To write parallel programs with linda, you need know only 6 functions: spawn, out, in, inp, rd, rdp. SourceForge project page: downloads, forum. CVS. [Open Source, GPL]
LoI (Language of Interaction)
Designed to support interaction-oriented programming. This paradigm is especially suitable for the design of reactive component-based systems like distributed and interactive systems.
MC# (MCSharp)
A high-level object oriented programming language based on .NET Platform created specially for developing complex industrial program systems that could use multiprocessor architectures.
NesC: Language for Deeply Networked Systems
C extension based on structuring concepts and execution model of TinyOS, an event-driven OS for sensor network nodes with very limited resources: 8K bytes program memory, 512 bytes RAM.
Petri Nets World
Petri Nets is a formal and graphical appealing language which is appropriate for modelling systems with concurrency.
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