Free collection of JavaScript, Java, ASP, ASP.NET, Cold Fusion, PHP, CGI and Perl, C and C++, XML, Python scripts, tools and resources.
A Web development directory that providing reviews, articles, tips and tutorials, scripts, software.
Helping programmers learn about the latest technologies.
TheWhir's Article Central
Directory of articles and tutorials related to web development.
Web Developers Index
Directory for web developers covering ASP, C#, Visual Basic, XML and MS SQL Server.
Web Hosting Edge - Webmaster Resources
Directory of websites on programming languages sorted into categories of resources and tutorials.
Web Scripts Catalog
Categorized collection of various web scripts for webmasters. Find different scripts collected from all around the Internet.
Free and commercial scripts, tutorials, software directory.
Webmaster Tools Central - Programming
Directory of URLs containing resources for programmers, including Visual Basic, C, C++, Java, JavaScript, ASP, Perl, CGI, DHTML.
Webmasters Experience Resources
Categorized collection of ASP, Perl, PHP and JavaScript resources.
WebSamba Members - Free Developer Resources
Directory of free VBScript, VB.Net and ASP articles, FAQs, source code links.
Includes script resources, manuals, tutorials, articles, and forums, with ratings.
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