NYC .NET Developers Group
Events, links, downloads.
An informal group of people in the Phoenix metro area with a shared interest in the .NET framework with an emphasis on C#.
Portland Area .NET Users Group
Charter, meetings, presentations, forums, job listings.
Rhode Island .NET User Group
Meeting dates and speakers and a message board.
San Diego .Net Developers Group
SDDotNetDG (formerly SDVBUG) was created in 1994 by local programmers for the purpose of exchanging useful information relating to Microsoft .Net and related tools.
Southern California .NET User Group
Contains meeting information, photos of prior meetings, Powerpoint slides and code examples from presentations.
St Louis .NET User Group
Meetings, events, forums, articles, downloads.
Sydney .NET Users Group
User group sponsored by company Superior Software for Windows. Meeting schedule, articles, downloads.
Toronto .NET Users Group
Meeting information, events, forums, photos of past events.
Tulsa .Net User Group
Local users of all aspects of the Microsoft .Net framework. Meeting are the 2nd Thursday of each month.
Vermont's .NET User Group (VTdotNet)
Future and past meetings, mailing lists. Resources. Good reads.
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