Windowseat Weblog
Laurel Krahn's weblog. Links to tidbits on technology, webstuff, netstuff, TV, pop culture, media, science fiction, and other things. Since Fall 1998.
Just one person whistling in the wind...
A weblog by Andy Wingo, a programmer working as a teacher in the African bush.
Wink & Blink -->All your Sorrows will be gone*
A singaporen gal blog who writes about her life and her opinions. Not to mention, her favorites, her secrets and her latest happenings!
Personal weblog with news of the Net.
Winza's Blog
Stories about the life of a Chinese younster born in 1985 who now lives in Melbourne.
Wired Tom
Game programmer's monthly updated blog with professional work.
Wisdom Goof
What I am listening to and what it is doing to me.
Wishful Thinking In New York
This blog is a tongue-in-cheek online diary of this Brit's trials and tribulations in New York.
wishing star
A place where I can write about... Whatever I feel like writing about.
Within 48 Hours
Growing from a boy with no electricity in Jamaica to a musician and Internet millionaire with 3 children from 3 different relationships and retirement back to Jamaica before 30.
Witold Riedel
Journal of a photographer from New York.
Wizard Needs Food Badly
The blog of the unimpressed and the indifferent. Dig in!
Carol's everyday adventure in Life.
Life and college through the eyes of a would-be poet and a may-be astrophysicist, who loves the world.
Woes of a teenage emo
Just my journal.
Wold by Paul Judges
New story Wold by Paul Judges.
Wolverine Cafe
A personal and daily commentary on the world around us, from the author's perspective in Michigan. The site includes political and social commentary and essays, book notes, and oher items of interest.
Life of a woman in New York City.
A blog about tools written with VoiceXML and Python, and intellectual property issues.
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