The Lab
Reboot's musings on physics and life.
Lacivious Polyphony
Writing about religion, politics, humor, chess, and rum.
Lactard Enzymatic Flushings
Commentary on world and local events, thoughts, ideas, and dreams.
Lady Crumpet's Armoire
Future librarian shares thoughts and links on literature, librariana, and the law.
An online experiment in expression and total time waster. Fun with media, and a blog to boot.
Lafe at Lafes.Net
Lafe talks about life, science, miscellaneous events, and homebrewing beer.
Laid-Off Dad
Pictures and stories about parenthood.
Lair of Disturbed
Rants, raves, stories, and poems. A place to unwind and get some of life's daily stress off.
The LambCutlet Disorganization
Jonathan Stanley's musings, geek pr0n, DeepHouse and Techno mixes. Also the home of asciiCascade, a CSS driven template for phpBB.
The Land of Anne
Librarian, knitter, and punk band guitarist/singer shares material of interest and results of various personal surveys.
Landon Proctor's Blog
Interesting pictures, stories, and links from a guy in Columbus, Ohio.
Discusses cultural topics, often language-related and usually not taken from current events (it is not a news site) or daily life (nor is it a personal journal).
The homepage of Diego.
Larocque and Roll
It's all fun and games until someone bruises an ego.
Larry's Log
Commentary on television, American politics and current events.
Lasciate Ogne Speranza, Voi Ch'intrate
Raves and rants of Art Metcalf. Links and commentary about news, technology, and his favorite music.
The Last Minute
Duncan Rawlinson shares links and funny stuff.
Laura - Marie
Black and white, color, and digital photoblog.
Laurabelle's Blog
Commentary on the life of a Seattle librarian.
Firm in the belief that every story is a snippet.
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