Hate ko si Heinz
A reality blog.
Hate World, Revenge Soon, Take Out Everyone
More true stories from a life more boring than yours.
Have a Peek
Sharing photography and commenting on news and technology.
Have Browser, Will Travel
Jim Roepcke's trek through the 'net.
Hayo Bethlehem
Dutch web designer and photography enthusiast comments on web design, news and technology.
Head Wide Open
Includes lists, articles, music ephemera, stream-of-consciousness writings, and an exploding head.
A Healthy Alternative to Work
His take on what's going on in the world with some additional material about life in the Army, a few drunk stories, and of course, some biting sarcasm.
Heart of the Sunrise
Nick Swann's pictures and humor.
Heartless Wonder
Eclectic Pagan mom, all around vagrant, anal-retentive DJ, Dew addict, happily divorced (twice), fond of black roses and other girly things.
Heaven, Hell or Hoboken
Fear and loathing (and technology) in Philadelphia.
Heavens To Betsie
A Scot's thoughts on everything worth wasting a thought on.
Contributing to academic bloat everywhere.
Held in Contempt
Law, entertainment, and an occasional dose of shoe-shopping.
Helzerman's Odd Bits
Catherine Helzerman posts on public relations, technology, and whatever else suits her fancy.
Social and political commentary peppered with thoughts and insights on other subjects as important as football, TV and the decline of light opera.
Her Own Eyes
High school student running for President in 2024. Weblog, photographs, and links.
Hey, You
Married Texas guy with a kid and a job writes about family and other personal interests.
Hi! I'm Black!
Glenn Harris discusses movies, philosophy, religion, and daily life.
Hi-Brow + Low-Brow = Uni-Brow
The vegetarian werewolf explains it all.
Hidden City Graffiti
An exploration of a personal vision through various writings on the world around us.
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