Online realm of Amanda Etches-Johnson.
Ethel the Blog
Observations on science, computers, books, music and other shiny things that catch my mind's eye.
Personal weblog of Seyd, a 21-yr old Indo-Mexican queer guy living in Dallas, Texas.
Eugene David
Personal observations on politics, world affairs, media, arts, society, business, sports, and whatever else gets the author annoyed.
The niceties do not apply here.
Evacuate and Flush
Comments on life and literature.
Everlasting Blort
A weblog mapping the web's weird underbelly with links to strange, absurd, bizarre and hilarious sites.
The Everlasting Phelps
Crude Libertarianism and wit.
Every Topic in the Universe
Discussing science, the unknown, the human race, and how it might all be connected.
Everyday Sociology
Observations from a sociology student, perpetual observer, and eternal cynic.
Everything And Nothing
In a world of increasing specialization and minutiae, this blog is about everything that interests her.
Everything, But
Shaken and stirred, a somewhat online journal of a twentysomething gay guy living (sort of) in New York City.
Everything Else
News and commentary about current events, international relations, politics, the internet, search engines, movies, and television.
Everything is so Random there must be a Pattern
Dabitchs small time junk and virus collection.
Everything Isn't Under Control
Writing about technology, humor, and art with a dash of politics.
Links, commentary, design, and pictures from Ev's head.
Introspective homosociopoliticocultural rants. Viewable with soundtrack or through PDA/ Phone/ Mazingo.
The Evil Twin Theory
A Canadian songwriter moves to New York City to pursue his fortune. Hijinks and culture shock ensue.
Tales of a government IT worker.
The Examined Life
A personal weblog of Ravikiran Rao. Commentary on management, philosophy, technology, economics, literature, and politics.
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