The Fool Review
Analysis and critique of everything, especially American culture and its icons.
Discussions about any topics.
Blogging about general geekiness and bloggability.
Grammar Blog
Various grammar topics, including correct usage, literature, and rhetoric.
Great Big Blog
Collaborative forum for anyone to post an entry about any topic, with a link back to the author's own site. Includes karma ratings.
Green Head Watercooler
Get to know the Green Head crew, discuss the latest and greatest news, talk shop, tell tall tales, share secrets, gossip, rant and vent. Typical discussions around any office watercooler.
Has the World Gone Completely Crazy?
Innermost thoughts of an ex-pat living in Tokyo, Japan.
The Hatemonger's Quarterly
Writing about all the varied things they hate.
He Said. She Said.
A married couple's pictures and blog.
In the Pool
Anarchy blog with off beat opinion(s), small attempts at humor, news and information and little or no social conscience, or spell checker for that matter.
Just Me and My Crazy World
Observations about life and current events.
Collective weblog for Kebawe.
A web community made up of displaced and disaffected Southern artists, animators, writers and wage slaves. Plenty of art, opinions and cynicism.
The Kitchen Cabinet
Commentary on events of the day by two Yale Law students.
LA Blogs
A group based in Los Angeles with links to their own blogs.
An online art and writing magazine that hosts and features an array of popular writers, photographers, artists, and poets.
Users compete by contributing, moderating and discussing links filtered by several criteria.
Made of Glass
A community of gen-x friends writing about their lives in blog style.
Marginal Revolution
Two economics professors discuss the world and news.
Martin Devaney Band Blog
Comments from each member of this Minneapolis band.
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