RhapsOGL visual effects
RhapsOGLApp X visual effects generator for MacOSX - This is a visual plug-in for SoundJam MP and MACAST
Rocket Science
Bundle of real-time plugins for Mark of the Unicorn's Digital Performer and Audio Desk.
Roxio's Jam Software
Sound editing software for Macintosh allowing users to easily create 100% Red Book compliant audio CDs.
Sagan Technology Metro
Sequencer with MIDI, audio, and video functionalities. Includes support for CoreAudio, CoreMIDI, Audio Units, Music Devices, Music Effects, VST, and Premiere.
Handy reference to chords for musicians. For Mac OS X.
Shareware sound processing program does various conversions including sample rate, changes file headers, plays headerless files.
Audio file management system for Digital Audio workstation networks having a Mac attached.
Spectral composition environment.
Spectrasonics Virtual Instruments
Creators of Atmosphere, Stylus, and Trilogy virtual instruments/plug-ins, each with vast core libraries.
Syd - Software Synthesizer
A software synthesizer for Mac and Windows. Similar to CSound in capabilities, but easier to use.
Talking Panda - iLingo
Language translator for iPod.
Freeware application uses Granular Synthesis to produce very diverse sounds based on a user provided sound file.
TrackPak - Apple Loops for GarageBand and Logic
Apple Loops and full audio tracks from famous hits in classic rock, R&B, hip hop and modern rock, with fully mixed GarageBand projects.
Search the iTunes Music Store daily for your favorite artists and send you an e-mail when there are new songs by those artists.
U and I Software
Developers of MetaSynth, a composition and sound design program using a strictly visual interface, with customizable tunings and image synthesis.
USB Audio software for Macintosh.
Virtual Composer
Shareware multiple track graphical sequencer, allowing files to be exported in AIFF, abc, or MIDI formats.
XO Play iPod Text Adventures
"Choose your own adventure" style games for the apple iPod.
YamIpod - Yet Another iPod Manager
Freeware application enabling adding and deleting music from the device. Includes software news, development information, and downloads.
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