Aesthetic Gardens
Collective of Oregon and Washington nurseries offering trees, shrubs, vines, fruiting plants, bonsai, bamboos and alpines.
Aitken's Salmon Creek Garden
Specializes in the sale of select iris hybrids and exotic orchids. Located in Washington state, ships worldwide.
Alannah's Greenhouses
Specializes in mail order cuttings, custom propogation, and rare species. Mail order violets, geraniums, saintpaulia, and gesneriads.
Almost Eden
Mail-order nursery in Louisiana offering shrubs, perennials, trees, tropicals, indoor plants, and bonsai. Includes photos, descriptions, and growing guides.
Alpines Mont Echo
Quebec nursery growing alpine, rock garden and woodland plants with an emphasis on primulas, saxifrages and dwarf shrubs. Ships to Canada and US.
American Daylily & Perennials
Grower of daylilies, lantanas, cannas, and cleome near Kansas city. Includes growing guides for home gardeners and commercial producers.
American Nursery Products
Offering perennials, bulbs, house plants, and seed. Includes cultural notes, descriptions, and photos.
Arrowhead Alpines
Michigan nursery specializing in American natives, unusual alpines, conifers, bulbs and perennials.
Artistic Gardens
Offers herb, vegetable, and flower seeds, bulbs, and perennial plants.
Avant Gardens
Massachusetts nursery selling annuals and tender perennials, unusual perennials, grasses and woody plants.
Black Jungle Terrarium Supply
Sells a diverse range of plants for growing indoors in terrariums or in outdoor bogs, including carnivorous plants, orchids, ephiphytes, ferns, and moss.
Bloom River Gardens
Family-owned Oregon container nursery offers a large variety of landscape plants including ferns, grasses, iris, daylilies, deciduous trees, shrubs, and evergreens.
BlueBell Nursery & Arboretum
UK growers offering a large assortment of trees and shrubs, vines, and perennials. Delivers to EU countries.
Bluegrass Gardens
Kentucky nursery offering a small assortment of trees, shrubs, perennials, seeds and garden supplies.
Bonnet Nurseries
Supplier of ornamental, forestry, and fruit trees, roses, and conifers in Belgium. [French/English]
Plants for Canadian gardens.
Burgess Seed & Plant Co.
Mail-order company for seeds, bulbs, perennials and shrubs. Ships to US, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands.
Camellia Forest Nursery
North Carolina grower of a large assortment of species and hybrid camellias and other woody ornamental, as well as a few herbaceous offerings.
Cape Seed and Bulb
Offers a large collection of yellow clivia as well as other plants, bulbs and trees.
Chocolate Flower Farm
Washington state nursery specializing in dark colored garden plants and seeds. Also offers a selection of garden accessories by Northwest artisans.
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