Advanced Wire Compost Bin
Bin details, ordering information, instruction on efficient composting method.
Alaska Bountea
Mail-order compost kits for the home gardener.
All Things Organic
Offers environmentally friendly composting and worm bins.
BZT Compost Activator
Offers a natural supplement to the composting cycle.
Product offering a way to make compost from lawn, garden, and kitchen waste in as few as fourteen days.
Covered Bridge Organic
Offers compost bins made entirely of recycled, post-consumer HDPE black plastic, plus composting tips.
D&P Industries Inc
Features a tumbler for composting and recycling; and a rain barrel for water storage and conservation.
Hershey's Cocoa Mulch
Waste shell from the extraction of chocolate from cocoa beans for sale.
The Hotterotter
Insulated compost bin.
Kitsap E-Z Earth Organic Vermicompost
Offers composting equipment and organic fertilizer from the castings of red worms (Eisenia fetida).
The Recycle Works
Home composting equipment including shredders, compost bins and wormeries. Trade and retail.
Redworms for a Green Earth
Sales of redworms and vermicomposting equipment, and the SoilSoup compost brewing system.
Steve's Earth Engine
Organic recycling two-bin cedar composting units. User friendly simplicity generates an unending supply of rich compost for the lawn and garden.
Taranaki Worm Products
Supplier of worm growing products as well as soil nutrients produced by worms.
The Urban Garden Center
A compost tumbler with a unique core aeration design for the backyard gardener. Rain barrel for water storage and composting.
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