Steve Jobs - Wikipedia
Biography from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: brief history, business ventures, quotes, and links.
Steve Jobs Info
Movies, audio clips, pictures, history, 1995 Oral History Interview.
Steve's Résumé
From his personal site.
TIME: Apple's New Core
Cover story on the flat-screen iMac from Apple, along with a timeline of Steve Jobs' machines.
Wired Archives
Interviews and stories.
Jobs 2.0: A Timeline
Steve Jobs has been back at Apple for 13 months. The bottom line, and much else, looks different. [Wired News] (January 14, 1998)
Creating Jobs: Apple's Founder Goes Home Again
New York Times Magazine profile by Steve Lohr. (January 18, 1997)
Smithsonian Oral and Video Histories: Steve Jobs
Excerpts from an Oral History Interview with Steve Jobs. (April 20, 1995)
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