Stop smoking for good
Offers a 10 piece educational audio stop smoking kit.
Stop Smoking Herbal Products
Herb pills. No effectiveness claim made.
Stop Smoking Now
Laser pointer claimed to be a quit smoking, quit drinking, quit drugs, and lose weight product.
Stop Smoking Plan
Product is a booklet.
Stop smoking program
Audio tapes said to induce hypnosis; no quit effectiveness claim made.
Stop Smoking Recovery Programs
Quit smoking program, including books, tapes, and videos, videos with closed-captioning for the hearing impaired, cessation treatment, sobriety. No effectiveness measurements presented.
Stop Smoking With Hypnosis
Hypnotic technique to help you quit smoking easily and permanently and without gaining weight. Developed by Licensed Clinical Psychologist who helped many quit, including himself, with hypnosis.
Stop Using Smokeless Tobacco Now
Product is an e-textbook along with support forum.
A ring that you put on your finger is said to make smoking awkward. No quit effectiveness claim made.
A Stop-Smoking Guide for Men, Women, Teens
A practical step-by-step guides for people of all ages, including amusing anti-smoking stories for children.
System 4
Information and ordering instructions about a filter-based progressive method of reducing your dependency on nicotine, making it easier to quit smoking.
Therapy Store Smoking Cessation Program
Stop smoking program uses Lifesign product to help users to quit smoking, chewing or dipping nicotine products.
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