Ergonomics Now
Australian company offers workplace training programs, focusing on prevention and recovery from computer related injury, along with office and computer accessories.
Sells office and computer products, and offers workshops and training world-wide.
Training focuses on motivating the end-user to organize the optimal personal computer work environment. Also addresses risk factor prevention for discomforts such as RSI, CTD, and MSD.
Ergosew, Inc.
Exercise and posture products, and aids designed to reduce upper body pain caused by sewing.
Offers wrist and palm aids to help prevent computer-related repetitive strain injuries.
Sells stretching software, alternate mice, laptop stands, and other office accessories.
Four Point Products, Inc.
Provides gloves designed to relieve carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms.
Idea at Work
Offers products and workspace accessories to promote healthy computing in the workplace.
Impact Ergonomics
Supplier of products and services to reduce and eliminate repetitive injuries from client workplaces.
Innovative Ergonomic Solutions, Inc.
Offers keyboards, mice, arm and palm supports, workstations, and chairs.
Key Moves
Online training program that teaches correct computer workstation technique for the whole office, thus helping to reduce the likelihood of repetitive stress injuries.
Offers mouse pads designed to ease repetitive strain injury caused by excessive mousing.
Laptop Stands UK
Promoting healthy computing in organisation and compliancy with display screen equipment regulations.
MAB Assistive Technologies
Manufacturer of AbleTrack trackball mouse for people with limited hand or finger function.
Software solutions for home and business designed to prevent repetitive strain injuries.
Media Control Co., Inc
Offers office solutions that improve comfort, safety, and productivity, including keyboards, lighting, tables, headsets, and workstations.
Mono Europe Ltd.
Manufacturers of an adjustable-height footrest for the workstation.
Mouse Arm
Chair attachment that may minimize strain to the arm, shoulder, and neck while using a mouse.
Offers a wrist rest which may alleviate wrist pain problems by providing comfort, protection, and support.
My Back Store
Chairs, massage pillows, sleep systems, and spas designed to help with back pain.
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