J&N Computer Services
Tested motherboard/CPU/memory combinations from Abit, ASUS, Tyan, Supermicro, and Intel. Toll-free sales and tech support.
Junge GmbH
Sells switches, rackmount kits and cabling.
Kam Com Technologies, Inc.
Sells hardware components as well as a custom built computers.
Keyco Distribution Ltd.
Sells computer accessories, cases and networking products.
Offers high-performance PC systems and quality upgrade components, like mother board, CPU, memory, disk drive, multimedia and networks.
Koutech Systems, Inc.,
Manufacturer of I/O cards, specializing in USB, FireWire, RS-232C, IEEE 1284, SCSI, and other I/O products.
KTS Systems
Supplying computer components, parts and complete systems.
Leadman Electronics
PC computer distributor and sales.
Sells Macintosh clock batteries.
Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.
Develops, manufactures and markets high performance CMOS integrated circuits and semiconductor-based systems.
NBE Computers
Sells barebones computer kits and hardware.
Direct reseller of custom computer systems, components, software, upgrade systems. You can configure any system online with immediate pricing updates. Online ordering available.
Online store for computers, network equipment, and accessories.
Nidec America Corporation
Manufacturers of precision motors, dominating the world's brushless dc motor market for hard disk drives. Fans & blowers, brushless motors, spindle motors.
Nortech Industries
Wholesale distributors of computer components carrying a large volume of inventory of hard drives, motherboards, CPUs, CD-ROMs, cd-writers, networking products and memory.
Nyquist Solutions UK
Computer hardware, systems, peripherals and components.
OM Associates
Representative for manufacturers of memory, processors, communications, wireless and digital storage devices.
Pana Computers
Wholesaler of computer components and PC systems.
PC Assist
Builds and sells quality PCs and computer related products.
The PC Technology Guide
Includes many explanatory graphics, an integrated glossary and a product reviews feature.
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