EFFweb - The Electronic Frontier Foundation
Seek to protect the rights of computer users in criminal proceedings.
The Hacker Crackdown
Electronic edition.
Hacker Culture
Steve Mizrach of the dept. of Anthropology, University of Florida, summarizes his findings in a new set of ethical principles.
Hacker Ethics
Richard Stallmans Interview.
Old and New Hacker Ethics
Is there a Hacker Ethic for 90s Hackers?
Computer Ethics and Hacking
A report about computer ethics, viruses, hacking and software copyrights in Arabic
Computer Hacking and Ethics
Paper about developing ethics in teenage hackers.
Conscience of a Hacker
A hacker's manifesto.
EFFweb - The Electronic Frontier Foundation
Seek to protect the rights of computer users in criminal proceedings.
The Hacker Crackdown
Electronic edition.
Hacker Culture
Steve Mizrach of the dept. of Anthropology, University of Florida, summarizes his findings in a new set of ethical principles.
Hacker Ethics
Richard Stallmans Interview.
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