Creative Design Animated Gif Gallery
Animated gifs archive listed alphabetically.
Creepje Animation
Animated GIFs and animated names in 3D free arranged in categories.
CyberGifs Free Graphics
Free graphics that really are free for anyone to use. Large selection of animated graphics with instructions on how to download and use.
3D Animated
Free archive of 3D GIF animations plus PhotoShop tutorials and links to webmaster resource sites.
3D Animated Gifs - Free Animations
Small collection of original 3D animated gifs that offers choices of background colors to see what the graphic will look like on the site.
3D Animation Gallery
A new set unveiled each week, free original high quality 3D web graphics and 3D animated GIFs, 3D animations, icons, text, buttons, and bars.
The Daily Image
A free animated clipart sent by email each day.
Dave's Emoticons Page
Hundreds of free animated emoticons, GIFs, avatars, letter, and numbers as well as links to free award templates.
dbMall Animted GIF Collection
Currently there are 59 categories with 1520 animated gif.
Designs by Rose
Snow Globes in several categories to use on personal home pages.
Diana's Pics & Gifs
Animated GIFs for personal web pages from a professional comic-draftswoman, custom work is also available.
Dick's Animated GIFs
Hundreds of free animations. Some are original works that can be used on webpages.
Digital Capture
Original high quality 3D animated GIFs. Tips for implementing animated GIF images into HTML pages.
Free gif animations and a valuable resource for creating animation for the web.
E. C. Sull's GIF Animations
Original animated gifs that are free for non-commercial use in return for a courtesy link.
Electronic Pic
Image galleries of animated GIFs, including Halloween, animals, and toons. In addition, some original works.
E-Mail GIFs
E-mail related animated GIF collection.
Free graphic that includes animated GIFs, icons, cursors, and smiles.
Faerie Garden
Animated fairies in GIF format and clipart.
Animated GIFs, backgrounds, buttons, dividers, and backgrounds sets free to use.
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