Produce Green Foundation
Hong Kong educational organic farm.
Purity Foods, Inc.
Purity Foods sells pasta, spelt flour, beans, seeds and grains, dried fruits and nuts, and spelt Vita-Spelt products.
Queenswood Natural Foods
Suppliers of organic and non-GM commodities and products to the food manufacturing and independent healthfood sectors. Chilled and frozen products also available.
Ray and Gerrie's Herbs & Berries
Growers of organic hydroponically grown greenhouse culinary herbs and winter berries.
Respect Organics
Manufacturers of baked goods and prepared meals made with organic ingredients. UK.
Resteya Trading s.r.l.
Italian grower of organic aromatic herbs.
Rising Moon Organics
Produces ravioli, pasta sauce, pesto, and salsa; all organic. Company profile, products packaging, store locator, and contact information. Eugene, Oregon.
Road's End Organics
Manufactures a non-dairy cheese substitute called chReese, available with organic whole wheat elbows, semolina shells or brown rice penne which is also wheat and gluten-free.
Rosaly's Garden
Selling organic gardening videos, books and pictures. Organic gardening tips.
ShariAnn's Organics
"All the Flavors of the Earth" - makers of organic soups, beans and pumpkin products based in Dexter, Michigan.
Simply Organic
UK distributor of organic foods.
SoFine Foods Tofu
Dutch producer of organic tofu. Company profile and contact details.
Soil Association
Britain's certification body for organic producers. Extensive library of resources.
Organic foods, gluten free, low fat, non-dairy, sugar free, carob, cholesterol free.
Spectrum Naturals, Inc
Natural foods company that manufactures certified organic culinary oils, condiments, and EFA products.
Staglin Family Vineyards
A family-owned Napa Valley winery devoted organic methods
Stonington Creek Distributors L.L.P.
Distributors of organic spaghetti sauces, condiments, and coffee. Elkhorn, Wisconsin.
Straus Family Creamery
California's award-winning organic and kosher dairy, with products including cream-top milk in glass bottles.
Stremicks Heritage Foods
Produces organic dairy products in Santa Ana, California.
Sunnyside Farms
Organic "kobe" beef, vegetables, herbs and flowers, berries,apples, peaches and pears.
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