American Entrepreneurs for Economic Growth
National organization of entrepreneurs focusing on policy issues affecting growth oriented companies
Association of Innovative Entrepreneurship CR
Focus: implementing the goal of non-government organization in the field of innovative entrepreneurship.
Bodibeng Technology Incubator
Supports South African high-tech entrepreneurs by offering mentoring and services online. Includes membership information, events, and description of services.
Canadian Entrepreneurs Association
Forum for entrepreneurs to exchange ideas and learn from fellow entrepreneurs. Receive information through speakers, seminars, workshops and the Internet.
Churchill Club
Silicon Valley business and technology forum. Includes information about upcoming events.
The Enterprise Network (TEN)
Not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting new business and economic growth in the greater Silicon Valley.
Entrepreneurs Foundation
Focus: make the Bay Area a better place through a corporate community involvement and philanthropy model which will improve corporate culture while building a stronger community.
Entrepreneurs Foundation of North Texas
Promotes philanthropy for entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial practices for the non-profit sector.
Founders Forum
Non-profit dedicated to the needs of entrepreneurs in Central Florida.
Focus: membership group supporting new enterprise formation and the expansion of proven business models.
The Midnight Forum
Silicon Valley entrepreneur network focusing on South Asian Internet entrepreneurs.
MIT Entrepreneurs
Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Entrepreneurs Club (The MIT e-club).
Northwest Entrepreneur Network
Helps entrepreneurs across a range of industries get their businesses off the ground.
Oregon Entrepreneurs Forum
Not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving the climate for emerging, growth-oriented companies across Oregon and the Pacific Northwest.
Runners' Club
Focus: Chicago based entrepreneurs group focused on increasing the amount of large-scale African-American owned companies.
Silicon Valley Association of Software Entrepreneurs
Organization dedicated to enabling high technology entrepreneurs to be successful by providing them with the real-world business knowledge, expertise, and contacts.
Sloan Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurship information and resources, from MIT Sloan School of Management student club, aimed at fostering entrepreneurial excellence through educational training, peer interaction, and hands-on experience.
Social Venture Network
Place where socially conscious entrepreneurs can meet, teach, support and create new ventures.
Software Development Forum
Bay Area non-profit organization devoted to informing, educating and connecting entrepreneurs and business professionals in the field of technology.
STARTech Foundation
Assists high-technology startup companies in the North Texas area. Offers training, mentoring, forums, and events.
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