MedeTrac Systems
Provides medical billing and coding software books and forms.
MediaBuilders Plus
Provider of data conversion services for healthcare billing software and claim files.
Medical Biller Info
Resources for medical billing services and guides on starting your own billing service.
Medical Billing and Coding Net
Offering certification advice, online learning resources, and networking for medical billers and coders.
Medical Billing Book For Beginners
Medical billing book for beginners is a step-by-step blueprint on starting a medical billing business.
Medical Billing Classes
Instructor-led, online courses are for anyone interested in learning about and pursuing a career in medical billing and medical coding.
Medical Billing Course
Online medical billing home study course and certification program. Software and support provided along with testimonials, FAQ's and forum support group.
Medical Billing Services Buying Guide
Provides reports on more than 200 medical billing companies plus a guide that describes how to select the medical billing company.
Medical Coders Institute, Inc.
Self directed training course for medical coding which prepares for certification test.
Medical Coding and Billing
Reference web site for medical coding and billing specialists offering career and certification advice.
Medical Coding Books
Offers medical books, software, and insurance forms for sale.
Online shopping for medical billing books, software and training and Medicare compliance books.
Internet-based practice management system featuring electronic claims submission.
MoneyQuest Corporation
Online data entry system for medical billing and claims recovery.
Online family medical claims tracker to simplify medical insurance claims. Free trial offer.
National Cost Report
Preparers of SNF Medicare and Medicaid cost reports.
Nationwide Medical Billing Resources
Independent professionals working with all health insurers and payors of nearly all specialties. Provides map directory of billers.
PCI Health Traing Center
This program is designed to provide students with office and technical skills to become an integral part of the professional office environment.
Peregrin Medical Review Inc.
Specializing in medical claims cost containment.
Physician Reimbursement Systems, Inc.
Has coding and reimbursement information for medical practices and specialized consulting services for manufacturers of medical devices and pharmaceuticals.
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