Sterling Healthcare Solutions
A medical claims filing and billing service.
Sterling Medical Consultant
Claims filing, financial, operational, information systems and human resources management provided.
1 Stop MD Office
Assisting physicians with office location, staffing, credentialling and medical billing.
Stratagem Group, Inc.
Billing and coding services for emergency medicine, anesthesiology and other hospital-based physician practices.
Sunrise Services LLC
Medical billing service offering free cost analysis.
SureClaim 2000
Medical billing software systems for desktop computers, and palm computing.
SurgBill, Inc.
Provides billing and collections services to non-physicians and surgeons nationwide.
Surgery Center Billing
A medical billing company specializing but not limited to serving ambulatory surgery centers.
Surgical Billing Services
Surgical billing coders and insurance billing specialists offering claim management services to solo and small group surgical practices around the country.
Susan J. Taylor, Inc
Billing, physician credentialing and comprehensive management reports.
Symco Medical Billing, Inc.
Providing electronic and paper claim submission, insurance follow-up, training, and auto accident billing for physicians and allied health professionals in Massachusetts.
Synergy Practice Solutions
Specializes in medical practice management, billing and auditing training, billing services, and medical office forms.
T & T Medical Billing
Providing the mental health provider with full service billing including EAP billing and certification tracking.
Taylor Billing Services
Full-service financial management and aged recovery for every medical provider.
TCA Debt Recovery
Specializes in nationwide healthcare collections. Services, testiomonials and contact form provided.
TCB Healthcare
Provides healthcare EDI connectivity and conversion solutions. Provides HCFA 1500 conversion demo.
Texas Professional Medical Billing
Provides billing services for healthcare providers throughout the United States.
Therapist Solutions
Providing claims filing and billing services specifically for mental health practitioners.
Third Millennium Healthcare Systems
Revenue cycle management solutions and billling services.
Top Notch Medical Billing
Offering HIPAA compliance electronic claims with data entries delivered daily or weekly and posting of insurance payments and adjustments.
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